On Soccer, Christian Education, Generations, and Faithfulness
One of the things that I love about sports is that it builds such strong connections. In many respects, these connections can last generations! In my role as EC Boys Varsity Soccer Coach, I get to work with young men in a sport that I love. We get to talk together through team devotions around…
Diversity in Chapel Worship
There is something special happening at high school chapel. New songs, different languages, and a variety of cultural expressions are rising up. In one moment we are seeing a Korean blessing, then a well-known worship set in English with one verse in Spanish, and another verse in Portuguese. This movement towards a more diverse worship…
EC Announces Early Decision Enrollment Starting October 1st
Eastern Christian School is proud to announce Early Decision Enrollment for the 2020-21 School Year. This program contains many benefits to applicant families in grades K-12. If you are interested in applying, the best time to do so is now! We encourage you to take advantage of this program! Benefits to all: $100 Family Application…